I n 2021, the board consisted of the following members: Y. Visser, chairman (as of 21-10-2021), M. Visser, vice-chairman, H. de Boer, secretary, treasurer vacancy, E. Leyten, A. vd Lecq , S. de Jong and O. Langezaal. In 2021, the MSF only met twice due to corona. As a result, again no people traveled from MSF to Tanzania. However, there has been regular mail and whats-app communication with Sr. Antusa, Dickson (administrator) and Sr. Refunds. In the period 2019-2020, 4 private persons have followed training from MSF: 1. Speransia Bunga, clinical medicine via private sponsor 2. Mathias John, building Veta via private sponsor 3. Richard John, Pharmacy, via private sponsor 4. Christian Mteme , secondary school, private sponsor. In the St. Kizito hospital, Mikumi, functioning has slowly started to improve. The salary payment was again reasonably on time. A new government hospital has also been built in Mikumi: The Mikumi Health Centre. This is still far from working well due to lack of good staff. In Lugono, the St. Agnes dispensary works under the direction of Sr. Refunds still good. MSF has been busy filling a 40 fr HC container. Two industrial washing machines, ultrasound machines, blood pressure monitors, a few bicycles, beds, bandages, medical clothing and many other items were donated. At the end of 2021, the container was not yet completely full. MSF also made a major contribution to the construction of a new water source. The old borehole barely gave any water, so that the hospital was regularly completely without water. Despite the corona restrictions, a number of gifts have been received at MSF, including the contribution from the Misses auction in Zoeterwoude and a number of private gifts.